MACI Associates Helping for the Holidays
The Associates of MACI shared their Holiday spirit with many individuals and organizations in need over the Christmas and Holiday season.
The MACI Toys for Tots team first raised, then spent $3,700 on a retail value of $4,700 worth of toys for Jackson kids in need. MACI chipped in $2,000 and Meijer provided us a discount of 10%. 16 shopping carts and the team came in at only $6.32 over budget. Awesome job, Associates!
An unprecedented number of MACI teams adopted over a dozen families in need, homeless youth and group homes for people with disabilities this Christmas season. Here are some happy associates sharing the true meaning of Christmas! QA & Purchasing Departments started a new activity making fleece blankets for Allegiance Cancer Center and Mott’s Children’s Hospital, too!
Assembly 1 Blue (day) and Green (night) adopted one of many Jackson foster teens who age out of the system at 18 and end up homeless. Jackson’s Dochas 2 helps those kids (as much as possible), but the number of kids with no support is overwhelming. One such young lady will be able to move into an apartment in January, and Assembly 1 set her up with an entire “starter kit” from soap to linens & everything in-between. The young lady shed an awful lot of tears over her presents, but they were the joyful kind.
In the above photo, Jane Myers of Dochas on the right, and several Assembly 1 Blue and Green Team Members.